Applicable to UK Nationwide Ltd

UK Nationwide Ltd seeks to be a good corporate citizen in everything that it does. We have therefore determined to bring together our existing operating principles into one framework policy under the heading of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The principles encompassed in this policy cover all areas of the Group’s operations and have been developed and continue to be reviewed.

UK Nationwide Ltd Managing Director supports the principles set out in those codes and standards and the aim of this policy is to translate that support into a set of guidelines and standards that set a common approach for UK Nationwide Ltdand provide practical guidance for our managers and employees on the ground.

Compliance, monitoring and reporting
We are dedicated to the continuous monitoring and regular review of compliance with this policy by our Directors. Each local manager assumes the responsibility of ensuring that the principles expressed in this policy are effectively communicated, comprehended, and adhered to by all employees within their sphere of responsibility. Employees who reasonably suspect a breach of this policy are encouraged to report it to their immediate manager or senior management.

We acknowledge that employees may sometimes be hesitant to report concerns due to fears of retaliation. Rest assured, we will take disciplinary action against any employee who engages in or threatens retaliation, retribution, or harassment against anyone reporting a concern in good faith.

UK Nationwide Ltd is committed to not reproaching management for any business loss resulting from adherence to the principles outlined in this policy. It's important to note that this policy is rooted in the Group's Code of Business Ethics, detailed in Section 1. Other areas covered by this policy include Health and Safety, Security (Section 3), Employment (Section 3), Customer and Community (Section 4), and Environment (Section 2).

Code of business ethics
This Code of Business Ethics sets out the standards we expect from our employees in their interactions, both internal and external, with colleagues, customers and third parties.

Basic standards of conduct:
•    We will conduct every aspect of our business with honesty, integrity and transparency,whilst respecting human rights and the interests of our employees, customers and third parties.
•    We will respect the legitimate interests of third parties with whom we have engage in the course of our business.
•    We will uphold the highest standards of integrity, ensuring that we make only those commitments we can reasonably fulfil and avoiding promises beyond our capabilities.

We are committed to:
•    Developing a workforce built on shared trust and respect, free from bullying and harassment, where each persontakes ownership of our company’s performance and reputation.
•    Respecting the rights of individuals, their customs, traditions and their right to freedom of association, including the right to decide whether or not to join a trade union. We will negotiate in good faith with dulyelected employee representatives.
•    Recruiting, employing and promoting employees on the basis of objective criteria, qualifications and abilities required for the job, aligning with our Equal Opportunities Policy.
•    Maintaining good communications with employees through our information and consultation procedures.
•    Providing our employees with relevant training and supporting them in realising their potential.
•    Ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of our employees’ personal information is respected.
•    Suitably rewarding for our employees for their contribution to the success of the business.
•    Providing mechanisms whereby employees can raise legitimate concerns confidentially regarding malpractice and ensuring no one will be victimized for a report made in good faith.
•    Striving to protect our employees from third-party abuse that could jeopardise their safety, health, or well-being.

Business Integrity
•    Our objective is to build robust relationships with our clients, suppliers, and other associates, grounded in mutual trust, understanding, and respect.
•    In our interactions, we anticipate that all parties adhere to business principles consistent with our own. We commit to conducting our operations in accordance with the tenets of fair competition and applicable regulations.
•    Records, documents, and supporting materials for UK Nationwide Ltd must accurately depict and reflect the nature of underlying transactions.
•    We are unwavering in our commitment to compliance with the laws and regulations governing our operations. Where necessary, we seek legal counsel to ensure adherence to this commitment.
•    We diligently review and assess our business risks, including social and environmental considerations.
•    UK Nationwide Ltd will not facilitate, support, tolerate or condone any form of money laundering.

Personal conduct
•    We expect all employees to adhere to the principles articulated in this Code of Business Ethics
•    Employees are expected to protect and not misuse company assets such as buildings, vehicles, equipment, cash, and other resources.
•    Employees are expected to use e-mail, internet, IT and telephones in a manner appropriate for business purposes.

•    UK Nationwide Ltd employees, as well as individuals and businesses acting on our behalf, must not, under any circumstances, accept or offer bribes, facilitation payments, or any improper payments.

•    This applies to transactions with government officials, any private company or person anywhere in the world. It also applies whether the payment is made or received directly or through a third party.

Gift, entertainment and improper payments
Accepting or offering any form of entertainment or gift designed to, or potentially perceived as influencing business decisions, is strictly unacceptable. Employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly providing, seeking, receiving, or offering inducements or any other improper advantages for business or financial gain.

Any gift or hospitality given or received by an employee of UK Nationwide Ltd should be reported for inclusion to the Hotel Management and UK Nationwide Ltd management. In the UK this applies to any gift or hospitality with an estimated or actual value of £50 or more.

Conflicts of interest
•    While we respect our employees' privacy, we expect all UK Nationwide Ltd personnel to avoid personal relationships, activities, and financial interests that could conflict with their responsibilities to the company.
•    UK Nationwide Ltd employees must not use their positions or company property for personal gain or on behalf of others.
•    Any actual or potential conflicts of interest, including those involving close relatives or partners, should be disclosed and discussed with the employee's line manager.
•    Employees with access to price-sensitive information are prohibited from engaging in transactions without clearance from the Director or Operations Manager.
•    Unauthorised disclosure of price-sensitive information to third parties is strictly forbidden.

Any information acquired by employees during the course of their employment should not be exploited for personal gain or any purpose other than that for which it was shared. Confidential information obtained in the course of business must be handled with the utmost respect for its confidentiality.

Health and safety
- We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, customers and the community.

- Our commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our employees is set out in our Injury Prevention and Security policies.

- We strive to avoid emergency situations but recognise the need to be prepared. We are committed to having effective emergency response procedures in place.

•    UK Nationwide Ltd is committed to delivering safe, high-quality, accessible, reliable, and value-for-money services to its customers.
•    We expect all employees to interact respectfully and honestly in their dealings with customers and the general public.
•    In particular we will safeguard and protect our employees welfare. Employees will be made aware that they hold a position of trust and that they must at all times maintain the highest standards of personal conduct that reflects this trust being placed with them.

Supply chain
We provide services to a wide range of goods and services required in the operation of our business and we also rely heavily on a number of key suppliers for the delivery of our core services. Good working relationships with our suppliers are therefore central to the success of our business.

Whilst we are committed to obtaining and retaining competitive goods and services we will at the same time seek to ensure they are from sources that have not jeopardized human rights, safety or the environment.

We expect our clients to adhere to business principles consistent with our own. We expect them to adopt and implement acceptable safety, environmental, product quality, and human rights, social and legal standards.

We will seek to work with our clients to develop long-term meaningful relationships to benefit both parties with the aim of improving the quality, environmental performance and sustainability of goods and services.

Health and safety policy - General statement
Injury Prevention serves as the bedrock of our commitment to health and safety at UK Nationwide Ltd. This commitment is ingrained in our corporate culture and extends to all aspects of our operations. Its fundamental purpose is to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, customers, and all those affected by our business activities.

We believe that:
•    All injuries can be prevented.
•    Our ultimate aspiration is to attain zero injuries.

Injury Prevention is a shared responsibility among every employee, and compliance with safety protocols is a non-negotiable condition of employment. Managing Directors and Operations Managers bear the responsibility of ensuring the safety of all staff by:

•    Our Injury Prevention processes are properly organised and appropriately resourced;
•    Staffs are given information, instruction and training on risk assessment and Injury Prevention;
•    There is full compliance with Health and Safety laws
•    Establishing performance objectives that drive continuous improvement in Injury Prevention.

Equal opportunities and diversity policy

UK Nationwide Ltd director is committed to equality of opportunity both in the provision of services to the public and as an employer. This policy sets out our commitment to treat equally all individuals fairly and justly, encompassing employees, customers, contractors and those our company engages with.

We are committed to seeking continuous improvement and compliance with legislation based on the following principles.

Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

We will not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, disability, nationality, religion, philosophical belief, political belief, age, sexual orientation, family status, trade union activity or any other factor.

We will adopt fair and inclusive practices throughout our operations and will seek to eliminate all prejudice, discrimination, bullying and harassment.

All employees have a personal responsibility for the practical application of this policy in their day-to-day activities and must support the policy at all times.

Non-compliance with this policy will be treated seriously and will not be tolerated.

The Managing Director is required to ensure:

• They create a productive and safe working environment, promoting diversity and inclusion in their workforce;
• Develop innovative practices, where applicable, to ensure fairness in the treatment of all employees, contractors, and customers.
• Continuously demonstrate tangible progress in practices aimed at advancing diversity and equal opportunities for all.

Our recruitment processes prioritise fairness, equality, and uniformity for all candidates, without exception. Our practices are all-encompassing, and we actively work towards dismantling any barriers that could obstruct the employment of qualified candidates.

Staff Training
We will provide our staff with the necessary guidance and training to ensure the effective implementation of this policy and to ensure we are an inclusive employer and service provider.

Any employee who feels that he or she has grounds for complaint in relation to bullying, discrimination, harassment or victimisation has the right to pursue the complaint through our grievance procedures. Customers who feel they have grounds for complaint may pursue these through our operating company customer complaints procedures. We will ensure our complaints/feedback procedures can be accessed and used by everyone.

Human Rights
UK Nationwide Ltd will adhere to the following principles in respect of our staff.
•    We treat all employees fairly and transparently, regardless of their work location. All employees operate under agreed-upon terms and conditions that align with local laws or practices and receive appropriate job skills training.
•    We provide wages commensurate with local markets and conditions, adhering to national minimum wage requirements.
•    Working hours conform to industry guidelines and national standards where applicable and do not involve excessive demands.
•    We categorically do not engage in or condone the employment of illegal child labour, forced labour, or bonded labour.
•    We respect the rights of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Their decision on whether or not to join a trade union is not subject to management influence or interference. We further support their right to exercise this choice through secret balloting.
•    We engage in good faith negotiations with duly elected employee representatives.
•    We adhere to non-discrimination laws in all regions where we operate.
•    The employment of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse is neither practised nor tolerated. Disciplinary procedures are established for employees whose conduct falls short of the expected standard.
•    We have instituted formal grievance procedures that enable staff to raise personal and work-related issues.

Data protection
We are fully committed to adhering to the data protection principles applicable in each country where we operate.

Customer and community
Customer Service: Delivering our promise to our customers is one of our core values. Our pledge is to provide safe, reliable, customer-centric, innovative and sustainable transport services.

Our commitment encompasses:
•    Adhering to equitable business practices, fair marketing, and transparent advertising, all while ensuring the safety of our services and respecting the human rights of our customers.
•    Providing transparent and effective mechanisms for addressing customer complaints and facilitating the equitable and timely resolution of disputes, all without imposing undue cost or burden.
•    Safeguarding customer privacy and ensuring the protection of personal data in accordance with relevant legal standards

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