UK Nationwide Ltd (“the Company”) is firmly committed to achieving a workplace environment which provides equality of opportunity and freedom from unlawful discrimination on the grounds of the following:

  • Race;
  • Sex;
  • Pregnancy and maternity;
  • Marital or civil partnership status;
  • Gender reassignment;
  • Disability;
  • Religion or beliefs;
  • Age; or
  • Sexual orientation.


This Policy aims to remove unfair and discriminatory practices within the Company and to encourage full contribution from its diverse community. The Company is committed to actively opposing all forms of discrimination.

The primary objective of this policy is to eliminate any instances of unfair and discriminatory practices within the company whilst actively opposing all forms of discrimination. 

The company is also dedicated to providing services that do not discriminate against its clients and customers in their access to the goods and services it offers. It is our belief that every employee and client deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.


  • To prevent, reduce and stop all forms of unlawful discrimination in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
  • To ensure that recruitment, promotion, training, development, assessment, benefits, pay, terms and conditions of employment, redundancy and dismissals are determined on the basis of capability, qualifications, experience, skills and productivity.


Discrimination is any form of unequal or differential treatment that results in one person being treated more or less favourably than others under similar circumstances. This unequal treatment may be based on race, gender, pregnancy and maternity, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment, disability, religion or beliefs, age, or sexual orientation. Discrimination can take both direct and indirect forms and also includes discrimination by perception and association.


4.1 Direct Discrimination
This occurs when an individual or a policy deliberately treats one person less favourably than another based on the grounds of race, sex, pregnancy and maternity, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment, disability, religion or beliefs, age or sexual orientation.
4.2 Indirect Discrimination
This refers to the application of a policy, criterion or practice which the employer applies to all employees but which is such that:

  • It is it detrimental to a considerably larger proportion of people from the group that the person the employer is applying it to represents;
  • The employer cannot justify the need for the application of the policy on a neutral basis; and
  • The person to whom the employer is applying it suffers detriment from the application of the policy.

Example: A requirement that all employees must be 6ft tall if that requirement is not justified by the position would indirectly discriminate against employees with an oriental ethnic origin, as they are less likely to be able to fulfil this requirement

4.3 Harassment
This involves subjectingan individual to unwelcome conduct that aims to violate their dignity or create a hostile, intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

4.4 Victimisation
This occurs when an individual is treated less favourably because they have bought or intend to bring proceedings or they have given or intend to give evidence.


5.1 SEX

It is not permissible to treat an individual less favourably on the grounds of sex, marital status, civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment or transgender status. This applies to men, women and those undergoing or intending to undergo gender reassignment.

Sexual harassment of men and women can be found to constitute sex discrimination. Example: Asking a woman during an interview if she is planning to have any (more) children constitutes discrimination on the ground of gender.

5.2 Age
It is not permissible to treat a person less favourably because of their age. This applies to people of all ages. However, this does not currently apply to of redundancy payments.

5.3 Disability
It is not permissible to treat a disabled person less favourably than a non-disabled person. Reasonable adjustments must be made to ensure equal access to services and employment opportunity.

5.4 Race
It is not permissible to treat a person less favourably because of their race, the colour of their skin, their nationality or their ethnic origin.

5.5 Sexual Orientation
It is not permissible to treat a person less favourably because of their sexual orientation. For example, an employer cannot refuse to employ a person because s/he is homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual.

5.6 Religion or Belief
It is not permissible to treat a person less favourably because of their religious beliefs or their religion or their lack of any religion or belief.


Under the Equality Act 2010, positive action in recruitment and promotion applies as of 6 April 2011. ‘Positive action’ refers to the action takenby the Company to encourage people from groups with different needs or with a past record of disadvantage or low participation, to apply for positions within the Company.

If the Company chooses to utilise positive action in recruitment, this will not be used to treat people with a protected characteristic more favourably, it will be used only in tie-break situations, when there are two candidates of equal merit applying for the same position.


The company has a duty to make reasonable adjustments to facilitate the employment of a disabled person. This may include:

7.1 Modifying adjustments to premises;

7.2 Re-allocating some or all of a disabled employee’s duties;

7.3 Transferring a disabled employee to a role better suited to their disability;

7.4 Relocating a disabled employee to a more suitable office;

7.5 Giving a disabled employee time off work for medical treatment or rehabilitation;

7.6 Providing training or mentoring for a disabled employee;

7.7 Supplying or modifying equipment, instruction and training manuals for disabled employees; or

7.8 Any other adjustments that the Company considers reasonable and necessary provided such adjustments are within the financial means of the Company.

Employees with disabilities should contact the Designated Officer if they believe such adjustments are necessary.



All employees, subcontractors and agents of the Company are required to act in a manner that does not subject any other employees or clients to direct or indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisationbased on any of the characteristics outlined in the policy statement.

The co-operation of all employees is essential for the success of this Policy. Senior employees are expected to follow this Policy and to try to ensure that all employees, subcontractors and agents do the same.

In some cases, employees may be held individually liable for their discriminatory acts, and an Employment Tribunal may order them pay compensation to the person who has suffered as a result of discriminatory acts.

The Company takes full responsibility for achieving the goals of this policy and strives to comply with relevant legislation and codes of practice.


In the event that an employee is the subject or perpetrator of, or witness to, discriminatory behaviour, please should refer to APP 16 employee handbook for guidance on how to proceed.


10.1 The Company seeks to apply this policy across all aspects of employment, including recruitment, selection, training, appraisal, development, and promotion of all employees. Additionally, the Company provides goods and services in a manner consistent with the principles of this policy.

10.2 This policy is not a part of any employment contract with any employee. Its contents should not be considered implied, collateral, or express terms of any contract with the company.

10.3 The Company reserves the right to amend and update this Policy at any time.


It is the Director’s responsibility to ensure the implementation of the Equality and Diversity Policy. Appropriate funds will be sought to implement approved aspects of the Policy which require special and additional resources.

All staff have the individual responsibility to:

  • Follow procedures introduced to ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination
  • To draw the attention of management to suspected or alleged discriminatory practices;
  • To refrain from harassing or intimidating other staff, clients or visitors of UK Nationwide on any of the grounds cited in the policy statement.


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