
Alcohol or drug use can affect a person's judgment and reactions, which increases the risk of accidents and injury.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of all employees, workers, and visitors by having clear guidelines for the use and possession of alcohol and drugs, and to support people who have reported a problem with alcohol or drug dependence.

Alcohol dependence is described in the policy as:

"The habitual consumption of intoxicating liquor by an employee, as a result of which the employee's performance of his or her duties is impaired, attendance at work is interfered with, or he or she poses a threat to the safety of others is at risk."

Drug dependence is described in the policy as:

"When an employee habitually consumes drugs other than medicines prescribed by a GP, which impairs his or her ability to perform his or her duties, interferes with his or her attendance at work, or endangers the safety of others.


·         In accordance with this policy, all employees and workers will be treated equally and consistently.

·         The prohibitions on drugs and alcohol will be strictly enforced.

·         Those who acknowledge a drug or alcohol issue will have the full support of their line manager.

·         Employees who suffer from an alcohol or drug-related illness are advised to disclose this as soon as possible in order to receive support and assistance with treatment.

·         All discussions concerning drugs and alcohol shall be treated as confidential.

·         This policy is intended to adhere to relevant legislations such as the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971 and the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974.


·         The Company’s alcohol and drug policy applies to all employees.

·         The guidelines outlined in this policy are applicable to all workers, contractors, and employees.

·         Misconduct related to Drugs and alcohol shall be handled in accordance with the disciplinary policy.

·         Poor performance related to drugs and alcohol shall be handled in accordance with the capability policy.

·         Problems with attendance or a long-term illness caused by alcohol or drugs will be handled in accordance with the capability policy and the sickness absence policy.


It is the policy of the company that employees should not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during their working hours or during their time on the premises. Thus, health and safety will be assured for employees as well as those with whom they come into contact, the business will operate efficiently and effectively, and customers will receive the services they require.

Because of this, the following guidelines shall be strictly followed:

No worker, contractor, or employee shall:

·       Report or try to report for work when unfit *due to alcohol or drugs (whether illegal or not) orto substance abuse;

·       Possess alcohol or illegal substances at work;

·       Provide illegal substances to others at work;

·        Provide alcohol to othersin the workplace, except during work duties. For instance, serving drinks at the bar;

·        Consume alcohol or illegal drugs or abuse any substance whilst at work.

·         Whether a worker is capable of working depends on management's reasonable judgment.

·         Illegal drugs include but are not limited to Heroin, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines, and cannabis/marijuana.

Employees, workers, or contractors must also:

·         Ensure that they are aware of any potential negative effects from any prescribed medications;

·         Any prescription drug adverse effects that could have an impact on their ability to perform their job or others' health and safety should be immediately reported to their line manager or a member of the management team. For example, drowsiness.

·         The Company shall take disciplinary action for any violation of these regulations, which may include summary dismissal, as it is considered gross misconduct. If an agency employee or contractor violates these guidelines, services may be promptly terminated.

·         If there is a reasonable belief that an individual is under the influence of alcohol or drugs when reporting for work or while they are working (for instance, if there is a strong odour of alcohol on their breath), they must be sent home immediately. Additionally, a search may be conducted in accordance with the Company's staff search policy.

Additionally, anyone found in possession of or dealing of illegal drugs on company premises will be reported to the police

Legal Obligations

The Company reserves the right to report to the police any employee that is found to be:

·         Drugs in your possession

·         Trafficking drugs

·         Under the influence of drugs

Aid and assistance

Employees who believe they have an issue with alcohol or drug misuse will receive advice and assistance from the company. Individuals will be encouraged to seek assistance from their general practitioner first.

With the employee's consent, an occupational health referral shall be made. In some cases, it may be necessary to require an employee to refrains from working temporarily or performs restricted duties to ensure their own safety and that of others. The company may grant additional unpaid time off for employees to seek treatment or attend support groups.

The Company guarantees complete confidentiality to any employee seeking assistance with a drug or alcohol problem.

Some useful links to websites are provided below.

Useful links:

·         Alcoholics Anonymous, Tel: 0845 769 7555, Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk

·         ACAD (Advice and Counselling on Alcohol and Drugs), Website: www.acad.org.uk

·         FRANK, Tel: 0800 776 600 (24 hours), Website: www.talktofrank.com

·         NHS (Information and advice from the National Health Service), Website: www.nhs.uk

This statement has been approved by the organisation's Director and will be reviewed and updated annually.


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